jeudi 16 août 2007

Sean Henry

Sean Henry's sculpture - man on a chair, can be seen here.

jeudi 9 août 2007

Diego growing up

While we were in Paris we got to see Sandra Anna and Diego

mardi 7 août 2007

Terry and some of his family

Emma at her graduation, with Terry and some more of his family, and Bob.

dimanche 5 août 2007


Sometimes holidays change your way of looking at things.

vendredi 3 août 2007

Meanwhile not far from Paris

La semaine suivante Angela grimpe.

Class struggle in Italy/La lutte des classes en Italie

But class struggle is everywhere. Here is a poster calling for a general strike which we were happy to see in Milan.

jeudi 2 août 2007

Holiday in Milan

We are back from our holiday. The first stop was Milan. Here I am on the Cathedral roof.