jeudi 19 avril 2007


On aurait pu acheter des statues.
Statues were available

Mosaics at Lourdes

Il y a des murs magnifiques dans les basiliques.
Lovely mosaics in the basilica

John at castle in Lourdes

Mother in front of sanctuary


Just came back from two days in Lourdes, and uploading photos is more fun than what I ought to be doing .

lundi 16 avril 2007


and Diego

La campagne Bové/ the Bové campaign

The only campaign for radical Left Unity, involving members of the Communist Party, the LCR, the Left Greens, Left muslims, and lots of people not in parties.
La campagne de l'unité de la gauche antilibérale. Unité scandaleusement abandonnée par les directions du PCF et de la LCR.

vendredi 13 avril 2007

Even further back

Of course I've been young myself. Here I am in ... 1965 (Oh My god)
Me voici (devant) en 1965

Nostalgic photo

Ma fille a sept ans maintenant, mais j'ai un coup de nostalgie.
My daughter is seven now, but I like this nostalgic photo

The twelve candidates Les douze candidats

For people outside France, here are the twelve posters in front of our town hall for the twelve candidates in the presidential elections

My mother in front of Agen cathedral

Ma mère devant la cathédrale d'Agen

On the way to work

C'est quand même sympa d'habiter à Agen.
It is a nice place to live, Agen is.

jeudi 12 avril 2007


My friend Sonja just sent me this photo of her 14 month son Leander.

We had been out of touch, I didn't even know she had a son...

Isn't he lovely?

Melbourne City centre

Le centr eville de Melbourne

mercredi 11 avril 2007

Me panning for Gold

Melbourne was built on the gold rush of the 1850s. Here I am panning for gold in the (reconstructed) Sovereign Hill Gold Rush town...

Comrade Paul and me


Me in Hong Kong

A Hong Kong en route pour Melbourne

And the kangaroos

Les copains australiens, c'est normal, ne sont pas très enthousiasmés par ces bêtes. moi je les ai trouvés époustouflants
My Australian mates were not so impressed, but I was.

Comrades in Australia

Myself with two comrades, Sandra and Hanan from the event in Melbourne.
Deux camarades à Melbourne

Célèbre enfin/ famous at last

Une affiche à Melbourne
I've never been famous before - a poster in the streets of Melbourne, Australia

mardi 10 avril 2007

Picture blog/blog images

Je commence à bien gérer ces blogs enfin, alors je fais une variante. L'autre blog
va être réservé au texte, et celui ci aux images. Cela permet égalementr aux copains et copines non francophones de s'y intéresser.
New organization - the other blog
will be for text and links, this one for pictures.
This is me trying to sell Socialist Alternative mags, on an anti nuclear demonstration in Melbourne Australia, with my friend Sam.